Recent NYC fight inspires hilarious pic, could be used for #BetterBatmanThanBenAffleck

Aug 28, 2013 20:21 GMT  ·  By

The other day, Alec Baldwin let his inner rage monster loose again and went after a paparazzo who had been harassing him and his wife with stupid questions. The incident ended without casualties, but it inspired the hilarious pic above.

Click on the image to see it in full.

One, very creative user took one of the photos snapped during the street fight in NYC, between Baldwin and the pap, added the rain effect made famous by the “The Dark Knight Rises” posters, put on a Batman mask on the star… et voila, the poster for “Baldwin Rises.”

Those familiar with the actor’s history of such clashes and with Chris Nolan’s films will also appreciate the irony in the name.

Batman fans up to date with the latest Ben Affleck drama could even say that this would fit right in the #BetterBatmanThanBenAffleck trend.

As reported earlier, when police arrived on the scene, Baldwin and the paparazzo admitted they were both violent towards each other and no charges were pressed.

But we’ll still have this hilarious piece of awesome. Thank you, Internet.