Both on Verizon and AT&T

Jul 5, 2010 11:01 GMT  ·  By

Last week, HP announced the completion of the purchase of Sunnyvale-based mobile phone maker Palm, and the first results of this acquisition have already started to emerge. Among them, we can count the fact that the webOS-based Palm Pre Plus device is available for purchase for free on HP's website, regardless whether with a contract agreement on Verizon or on AT&T.

Launched in early 2010 on Verizon's network as an upgraded version of the last year's popular Palm Pre, the Pre Plus became available for purchase at AT&T too, a few months ago. Palm had high hopes for this device, and for the “classic” Pre, which is currently available for purchase via Sprint, but sales have been disappointing, something that determined the phone maker to lower the cost for this device down to zero.

For a limited period of time, the Palm Pre Plus can be acquired for free with either a Verizon Wireless or an AT&T contract from this page at HP Wireless Central, (via PreCentral). The webOS-based Palm Pixi Plus is also available for free with an agreement with either of the two carriers. Interestingly enough, the original Palm Pre and Palm Pixi, which feature lower hardware specifications, and which can be purchased with contracts on Sprint, are not free, but go for $99.99 and $19.99 on contract, respectively.

As stated above, the Palm Pre Plus (and the original version) did not perform as expected. The handset vendor had to cut the price tag for this device a few times until now, in an attempt to make it more appealing to end users. Now free over at HP Wireless Central, the Pre Plus would require for users to commit to a two-year service contract with Verizon or AT&T, but the offer still seems an appealing one, especially the device comes with a series of free accessories too, including a Renegade Bluetooth headset ($49.99), an Axiom leather case ($29.99), and a car charger ($19.99).