In typical Sony manner, this commercial is as abstract as abstract gets

Sep 7, 2007 09:02 GMT  ·  By

Sony's commercials have always been a little abstract, strange, shocking... the list could go on. It's a fact: Sony doesn't like normal. Which is good, because people generally like surprises. And girls. Sony's betting on girls too. Aren't they smart? OK, but what the you-know-what is up with this PSP advertisement? The picture is on the left. When you click to enlarge, be careful not to miss the PSP. No really, good luck spotting Sony's handheld!

If the picture to the left side hadn't arrived with confirmation that it is indeed a PSP commercial, everyone would have probably agreed that another picture of two beautiful women touching each other, had hit the Internet. But, as it turns out, has all the pictures and some of them are actually focused on the handheld itself.

The two images we've made available below (courtesy of the same website) stand as confirmation that the ad is for PSP.

But let's get back to the original picture (the one to the top left side of the article yeah). What's the message here? Let's try some situations out, shall we?

- Girl, the battery on my PSP is dead and there is not one power plug anywhere in sight; I'm bored, let's touch each other!

- Hey I've got an idea, why don't we leave my PSP on the seat next to us until someone comes and tries to steal it; then we can show off our martial arts skills!

- I'm going to let the PSP sit on this chair next to us for a while; I heard it make some strange sounds and I think it's tired, so let's just let it rest a little; now touch me, but don't make sounds.

It's also possible for someone to just misplace their PSP but I have a feeling that's not the message Sony is trying to deliver. There's a comments column below. Surely you have some thoughts on this strange advertisement, so go on, fill up a few lines don't be shy.

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