If we're to believe the GameStop ad, that means MGS 4 has seen a 2 year delay

May 14, 2007 11:20 GMT  ·  By

So, it looks like MGS 4 for the PS3 is being delayed, to March 1st 2008, as Destructoid reports. That's all right, the PS3 has plenty of games to offer fans...NOT! What is taking developers so long to come up with PS3 games? Haven't they studied the PS3's capabilities so far? Do you know what this means? It means that the latest installment in the stealth-based series is seeing a two year delay, from its originally planned release date (2006). That's outrageous!

Last time I checked, MGS 4 was slated for a 1 July 2007 release. Take a look to your left and see what GameStop's ad says. The developer isn't saying anything though. Now, if you remember, on his trip to Australia for the weekend's GO3 Electronic Entertainment Expo held in Perth, MGS series creator Hideo Kojima talked about the upcoming title of the MGS series, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, saying that a new feature would be implemented: "hide and seek."

"Now I can't make Snake go into space to do his stealth mission and we've exhausted the concept of the place, so now I thought why not create a situation rather than a place? And then I thought of a battlezone or warzone as the situation where Snake has to sneak in. So MGS4's game concept is playing hide and seek within a certain situation."

No offense here, but it seems like the developer is playing hide and seek games with MGS fans. And it's not just fans suffering from the delay but the poor PS3 console that already doesn't stand a chance of getting back on its feet.

With just a handful of titles available and several not so amazing ones slated for a 2008 release, the PS3 is doomed. The best thing Sony can hope for now, is that by cutting the price on the machine (if they do it of course), people will start becoming interested in that PS Home and Blu-ray it shows off. Currently, the PS3 is a good media center, not so much a gaming console.