Bungie's probably trying to synchronize with the Halo 3 beta trial

May 7, 2007 10:44 GMT  ·  By

Bungie has made a rather disappointing announcement for the Halo series fans, especially for those waiting for their Halo 2 for the PC. The developer talks "refinement reasons" when referring to a PC Halo 2 delay, yet doesn't say anything about how big of a delay we're talking here. The only logical explanation would be that Bungie's waiting for the Halo 3 beta to answer some questions, or confirm some hunches.

I know PC versions are better and all but how much better could a PC Halo 2 be than an Xbox 360 Halo 2? Much better actually, there's a big gap of time between the development of the two. The thing is, if it looks better than Halo 3, there's no problem but if the idea of a PC Halo 3 sparks in the meantime, then they'll probably have to work some more on Halo 3 too.

But as MegaGames reports on May 5, Bungie says that fans won't be waiting for a very long time to see the Halo 2 PC installment: "We're making some updates to Halo 2 for Windows Vista that should improve the install experience and address other technical issues, ensuring that the final retail version provides a fantastic experience for gamers. Given these changes, we will be adjusting the on-shelf date of the product."

Right now, this is all we know, but as soon as Bungie says anything, we'll surely be listening so you know the very next second which way the PC Halo 2 installment is heading. Halo 3 is already set for a fall release so, don't mind my saying that they'll probably have to work on it too. Heck, it's the best FPS for a console ever, or so says all that leaked footage anyway.