The baby rhino's mother was shot dead by poachers who wanted its horn

Jun 21, 2013 20:51 GMT  ·  By

About two months ago, a rhino calf was rescued by conservationists after its mother had been shot dead by poachers. At that time, the baby rhino was just two weeks old and many feared that it wouldn't make it.

Recent news says that the rhino calf somehow managed to survive the ordeal he had been put through. It is perfectly healthy and thriving, WWF reports.

Its caretakers say that the baby rhino has grown accustomed to life in its specially built enclosure.

They hope that, at some point in the future, the rhino calf will be strong enough for them to be able to return it to the wild.

Until them, they plan to introduce it to another orphaned rhino calf that is now living at a rescue center in India's Kaziranga National Park.

Conservationists expect that the two animals will enjoy spending time in each other's company, and will make further progress on the road to recovery.