Oct 14, 2010 07:41 GMT  ·  By

One of the designers working on the upcoming action role playing hybrid Diablo III from Blizzard has stated that he is interested in creating a Battle.net supported Achievement system for the game that encourages players to try out new actions and tactics.

Speaking to Eurogamer as part of a larger interview Jay Wilson, who is the lead designer working on the creation of Diablo III, has said that “if somebody feels like they've got to do something kind of repetitive and boring to get an achievement or some kind of reward, then we've clearly designed the game wrong.”

He was talking about the reaction that players had to the launch of Starcraft II and the new Battle.net service but his comments seem aimed at the game he is now developing and the features that can make the experience more enjoyable and attractive to gamers.

Wilson added, “Achievements can have a huge impact in terms of motivating a player, and we always want it to be a positive one, but sometimes it can motivate behaviour that is not inherently fun and we don't like to encourage.”

The developer believes that the best use for the Achievement system and anything similar is to push the player to do things in the game that he would other wise not try because he does not see a clear reason to do it.

On October 22 and 23 Blizzard is hosting its annual convention BlizzCon in Anaheim and the program suggests that a significant portion of the panels will be dedicated to talking about Diablo III, which is expected to arrive next year and could get a clear launch date at the event.

Players could see an achievement system similar to that of Starcraft II, with difficulty level playing into it in some way in order to encourage players to go through the game several times.