Jul 20, 2011 19:51 GMT  ·  By

The upcoming arrival of the Nintendo Wii U motivates other hardware manufacturers like Microsoft or Sony to push for the release of new devices like the Xbox 720 or PlayStation 4, at least according to Ubisoft President Yves Guillemot.

Nintendo is getting ready to debut its brand new console, finally joining the "current generation" of devices in terms of power, with the Wii U.

But, while this is more like a mid-cycle refresh for the existing Wii, Ubisoft believes that the new device is certain to prompt Sony or Microsoft to reveal their new consoles in the near future.

We've heard a lot about the next generation of devices from all over the industry, and Ubisoft is more than certain that the transition from the current PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 to their successors is happening.

"I think [Wii U is] sending the message that the new transition is going to happen - and we're going to have new machines coming soon," Guillemot told Gamasutra.

The Ubisoft boss is also keen on making sure that his company will support all these new devices from day one, as it has already done with the Nintendo 3DS, or will do next year with the Wii U.

"We're going to continue to take this approach," he said. "We feel this console is coming with very innovative features that will change the video game industry and we want to be a part of that."

The Nintendo Wii U is scheduled to appear in the first half of 2012, while many reports are hinting that both Microsoft and Sony will unveil their new consoles next year, probably during the E3 2012 conference.

Until then, however, Ubisoft is more than happy to release new games for current platforms, many of which are now going to be protected with a uPlay Passport online pass system.