Nov 2, 2010 19:21 GMT  ·  By

Nintendo has just updated the WiiWare and DSiWare online services, as well as the Virtual Console with fresh new games including Robox, Gene Labs and the arcade classic Street Slam, which appeared originally on the NeoGeo in 1994.

First off, Nintendo Wii owners will be able to buy two new games from the WiiWare service, with the first being Robox.

The game is an adventure title, as you play the role of a robot that crash landed on a strange planet and must use its exploratory probe to control tiny native creatures and find out the secrets of the planet and the real goal of his mission.

The game will cost 1,000 Wii Points.

Gene Labs is another new game, that will appear on both WiiWare and DSiWare, delivering an arcade puzzle experience where you play the role of a scientist that must cure infected organisms by injecting anti-virus solutions into them as well as protect the healthy cells from becoming infected.

If you would like to try your hand at this title, it will cost 500 Wii Points and 200 DSi Points, respectively.

Retro fans will be pleased about the Virtual Console update this week, as Nintendo added the NeoGeo basketball classic Street Slam.

For 900 Wii points, Street Slam allows 10 3-on-3 teams to compete one against another and become the best street basketball team in the USA.

A wide array of tricks are available and if you charge up your characters you can execute special moves and land even the trickiest of shots in the hoop.

Nintendo DSi owners can get two new games, besides the aforementioned Gene Labs, in the form of Paul's Shooting Adventures and Peg Solitaire.

The former is a side scrolling shooter that costs 200 DSi Points, starring Super Baby Paul, the Ultimate Pacifier, as he battles a new invading alien force, and must protect Earth and its vital energy resources.

Peg Solitaire is new take on the classic puzzle game, with players needing to move pegs around a cross-shaped board with 33 spaces.

For 500 DSi Points you can get five different levels, with 41 stages and with single-player and multiplayer modes.