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May 19, 2008 22:06 GMT  ·  By

Ubisoft are really moving fast in regard to their latest Prince of Persia game. After the official announcement, which only revealed little tidbits regarding the story and the action, the French publisher has already offered an estimated release date for the game.

In the data related to the third quarter financial projection the name Prince of Persia also appears, so the game will be shipping in the time frame that begins with October and ends in December. Knowing the fact that all publishers tend to schedule the big releases in the run-up to the holidays, so that the shopping season generates better sales, it's very likely that the new Prince of Persia game will be released somewhere in November.

Unfortunately, the financial projections didn't reveal any new details regarding the game itself. We only know that this game is "more poetic" than the one making up the previous trilogy, while also dispensing with the Time of Sands theme and tackling something more akin to the stories in the Arabian Nights.

Gameplay will also be changed. The hordes of enemies that featured preeminently in the games are now gone and more emphasis will be placed on battling bosses, with different strategies needed for each encounter. The developers say that the closest concept is that seen in the Soul Calibur franchise.

Moreover, time based special powers are out, although a replacement might be revealed in the following days at the Ubisoft event that's going to take place in Paris on May 28 and May 29.

The game is in development for PC, the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo DS. It will be really interesting to see how the game turns out, as most gamers are rather worried by the changes that Ubisoft has announced in regards to the story and the gameplay. If Ubisoft manages to pull off a really winning formula, then we might see the beginning of a new Prince of Persia trilogy.