Could this be the rumored 40GB PS3?

Sep 26, 2007 07:02 GMT  ·  By

Sony's been in denial lately regarding its 40GB cheaper PS3, but we could smell that something's been cooking back at the Japanese company's HQ. The FCC manages to surprise us yet again, not with the long awaited PSP Phone, but rather with a new PS3 model, CECHG01. It might just be the unconfirmed 40GB PS3...

The details you can check out in the following lines are only a slim part of the official documents, which are not available for the average gamer's eyes yet, due to confidentiality agreements. This new version of Sony's not-so-acclaimed gaming device features Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR, 802.11 b/g WiFi and a 3.2 Ghz CPU (like the standard PS3). CECHG01's list of technical details also includes a 66MHz ATA, 133 Mhz ATA, 33MHz PCI and 750 Mhz SATA1.

You'll be able to use USB, HDMI and Ethernet ports on the new console and so far so good, as there's not much novelty in the features list. So, why did Sony create a new model if it's basically the same device? A 40GB hard drive would surely change everything confirming the above-mentioned rumor and giving us hope concerning a future release of a cheaper PS3. I'm really keeping my fingers crossed for this one, as we might be dealing with a brand new model, plus a new and larger hard drive.

In case we're lucky enough to see Sony's next-gen console surfacing in its cheaper version by Christmas, the Xbox 360 will finally have a worthy opponent, besides that magnificent Nintendo Wii. I don't even dare to think about a slimmer PS3 yet, since Sony doesn't seem so keen on being part of the gaming industry lately. The fact that we'll never see a PS4 has been confirmed last week and it seems that the company's Research and Development department will suffer some important budget cuts.