Sony's online game detailed

Aug 22, 2008 06:34 GMT  ·  By

The Agency is an online action shooter game developed for PlayStation 3 consoles and PC systems - a very promising title that seems to borrow a few things from Team Fortress, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Actually, it seems that it's quite good, according to the latest fact sheet released by Sony Online.

In the game you will live the life of an elite agent surrounded by super spies and fearless mercenaries who use high technology and tactics to accomplish their missions. The game features both competitive and cooperative play for fans of espionage, intrigue, but most important pure fun.

So, you already know a few of the features presented by Sony at the Games Convention - now it's time to detail them. As I was saying you will step in the shoes of a modern superhero; The Agency offers lots of types of missions where you'll have to use all your skills: stealth, style and most important - combat. This means that gameplay modes will vary from assassinations to full assaults, all in different environments.

Also, as you will advance through the ranks, you will be able to build your own agency and even Joint Agencies with other players. You will also be able to play the game as a mercenary or spy and put operatives at work. These operatives are actually NPCs that offer players various goods, as well as services to keep them alive. These characters work 24/7, even if you are not online, so they will be your main goal. But you'll see for yourself as soon as the game gets released.

The Agency allows head to head combat, ranged challenges or high stakes games at the cards tables. All these come packed with a deep storyline which is promised to keep players hooked for as long as possible, no matter if they are hardcore or casual players.