Star says she wants her chance at a normal life

Oct 12, 2009 14:59 GMT  ·  By
Miley Cyrus leaves Twitter in search of real friends and real life experiences
   Miley Cyrus leaves Twitter in search of real friends and real life experiences

Over the weekend, Disney star Miley Cyrus announced that she would no longer be taking to Twitter to keep in touch with the millions of fans she had all over the world. While this in itself would not be such a tragedy, the fact that Miley was one of the most active and, at the same time, most followed Twitter users makes it of vital importance. According to Miley herself, she deleted her page because she wanted a chance at a normal life.

When she first made the announcement, the singer and actress revealed that she would often find herself upset about how gossip websites and glossy magazines would constantly pick up what she wrote to her fans, twist it and then make of it something that it was not. In order to avoid that, she wanted out of the Twitterverse for good. In a recent post on her official webpage, Miley explains that there was a bit more to her decision than just that, and that this is her best way of trying to have a normal life to the best of her abilities.

“To my dearest fans, you all are the closest thing to my heart & it breaks my spirit to hear that some of you feel neglected since I deleted my twitter. It was a wonderful way to stay connected to you & I really felt like during that time we became very much like friends. Twitter is a beautiful thing if used for the right reason. I love my job so much that it is hard to believe sometimes that it is considered ‘working.’ But, in the end it is still a business and I do need some sort of a ‘normal’ life as well. I often complain to the ones closest to me that I don’t seem to have much of a private life any more and part of that is my fault. How can I whine about my life being to[o] public if I am the one telling the world what I am doing?” the Disney darling writes. Thus, the decision to cut all ties with the Twitter world.

“Twitter is not the only thing I am cutting back on. This is not an attack against this particular site, I just think kids all over the world could maybe take a little vacation from Cyberspace. My problem with the internet is it makes negativity so available. It allows people to anonymously hurt others without any consequences. That is not the real world. Not only that, but if we spent more time enjoying what we are doing besides tweeting about it, we would enjoy our lives a whole lot more. I have very little free time and the moments that I do have I should be spending with my family and friends and loving every minute of their company.” Miley further explains.

In the same post, she also refutes rumors that her new boyfriend is the reason why she won’t be tweeting anymore, and insists that she has a new goal in life: that of treasuring real people and real experiences over those provided by means of the Internet.