Jan 10, 2011 20:51 GMT  ·  By

Exclusive games are extremely important to consoles, and the Xbox 360 owes a lot to franchises like Gears of War or Halo, who made it extremely attractive to hardcore gamers.

Microsoft's Xbox 360 is currently one of the best selling consoles out there, managing to duke it out with the PlayStation 3 and coming out on top in the USA in recent months, at least according to sales data coming from the NPD Group.

Exclusives were very important to Microsoft's console, making it win a lot of customers back when the PlayStation 3 was still in its early years and had a high price tag.

Xbox Product Director Aaron Greenberg has now talked about the exclusive games, and how they manage to win customers, with Xbox World 360 magazine (via CVG).

"Here's the formula: draw players into an all-new world with epic storytelling, memorable characters, stunning graphics and polished gameplay - but also give them a reason to keep coming back to that world day after day after day."

"That's why millions of gamers have made exclusive franchises like Halo, Gears Of War, Fable and Forza Motorsport some of the biggest blockbusters in our industry," Greenberg said.

Greenberg did admit that the exclusives were quite hard to negotiate and publish, but, in the end, it paid off.

2011 will be filled with quite a few interesting exclusive games for the Xbox 360, including Gears of War 3, Forza Motorsport 4, Crytek's Codename: Kingdoms or XCOM.

Many Kinect games will also be released, with Microsoft saying that the new device will surprise plenty of people in 2011.

The company also promised that more hardcore experiences would be released for the motion detection device, in order to make it attractive in the eyes of the regular gamers and further boost sales of the popular device.