Nov 23, 2010 10:21 GMT  ·  By

A high level Microsoft representative who is intimately linked with the Halo franchise has stated that a Halo based movie project will be completed at some point in the future although at the moment no studio is linked with a deal to produce it.

Talking to the New York Videogame Critics Circle blog Frank O'Connor, who was one of the main Halo point men at Bungie and has since then moved to Microsoft to steer the use of the franchise, has said, “There will be a Halo movie”, adding, “Everyone wanted to do a Halo movie, the director, Microsoft, the highest placed people at movie companies”.

The Microsoft man says that if a major movie studio is not willing to take the risk to create the Halo movie, thinking that it could bomb like other video game related projects, the company might develop the project itself.

He then went on to talk about who has to blame for the lack of progress, saying, “It was the lawyers. When they went behind closed doors with the contracts, things fell apart. The problem was that the movie company couldn’t make any money beyond the movie.”

O'Connor also says that a television show could be a good idea if a movie cannot get the green light.

Given the vast quantities included in the Halo universe it could make sense to create a TV series which is not, at least at first, linked to Master Chief directly, perhaps detailing the adventures of the various Spartan battle teams which are loose in the galaxy.

Halo: Reach launched in September of this year and managed to wrap up the series nicely from a gaming point of view, creating a clear reason for the events of the other three main games and presenting in its full glory and devastation one of the most important events in the history of the galaxy.

Developers Bungie have since then inked a ten year deal with publisher Activision and Microsoft has not said what Halo based video games it might develop in the future.