Players need to kill Cerberus Phantoms and complete Gold matches

Apr 26, 2012 16:31 GMT  ·  By

BioWare has just unveiled the special Operation Exorcist challenge that will be issued to players of Mass Effect 3’s online mode this weekend, tasking them with killing 1,000,000 Cerberus Phantoms and completing a match on Gold difficulty.

Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer has gotten extremely popular in recent weeks, thanks to the free Resurgence DLC that was launched by BioWare and the special weekend operations that challenged players with completing certain objectives.

Now, even if the operations take place every other weekend, players are still eager for a challenge, so BioWare has now presented the special Operation Exorcist that takes place this weekend.

“When it comes to retrieving classified data, Cerberus has been beating the allied forces to the punch,” BioWare said. “New intelligence has tipped us off to one of their offensives, and it is time to give the N7 teams the payback they want.”

In order to defeat the Cerberus faction, the community of Mass Effect 3 players needs to kill a total of 1,000,000 Cerberus Phantoms.

Individually, players need to complete a Gold difficulty match, no matter the map or enemy.

Completing the allied goal earns players a Victory Pack, while the individual one nets them a Commendation Pack, which will both be unlocked sometime next week.

Operation Exorcist for Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer will start on Friday, April 27, at 6pm PST, and lasts until Monday, April 30, at 5am PST.

As always, the challenge will be available for the PC and Xbox 360 platforms, and players shouldn’t forget to set “Upload Gameplay Feedback” to “on” in the online options to be able to participate in Operation Exorcist.

It seems that PlayStation 3 owners are once again left out of the experience, even if Sony said that it’s working with BioWare and Electronic Arts on bringing these special challenge weekends to its home console.