In intimate ceremony, surrounded by friends and family

May 3, 2010 07:07 GMT  ·  By
Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey celebrate third wedding anniversary, renew their vows
   Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey celebrate third wedding anniversary, renew their vows

Earlier last month, Nick Cannon was gushing about how happy he was to keep his promise and marry wife Mariah Carey on their third anniversary, as he promised they would shortly after they got hitched the first time. The ceremony took place on April 30 and, as the New York Daily News informs, it was a small but very elegant affair.

Both bride and groom wore white, and both had gifts prepared for the special occasion. For Nick, the challenge was double than the first two times since he knew he had to come up with something that Mariah would love: but also something that would top every other present he ever made to her. So he took her love for diamonds and candy rings and had a jeweler make for her a “Ring Pop,” People magazine says.

“To celebrate their second anniversary, the duo renewed their vows at their Beverly Hills home Friday night in an elaborate ceremony […]. Carey, 40, wore a veil and a lacey white dress while Cannon sported a dove-white suit as the duo exchanged rings to the sound of a string quartet. […] ‘So last night’s wedding vow renewal & small party was a SG… too many cameras (from close & far!) but it was beautiful. NC is the best: ),’ Carey tweeted after the ceremony. She later added, ‘The festive moments continue Dahhlings! Sending LOVE to all the LAMBS in the land as always and happiness to everyone out there x’,” the NY Daily News writes.

As for the unique gift Cannon gave his wife, it was actually a pretty impressive one, despite being inspired by the childish candy ring. “Cannon […] gave his wife a custom-made ‘Ring Pop’ as a surprise gift during their small, private party for their second anniversary in Los Angeles Friday. But this sweet treat was no sucker: Hand crafted at Jason of Beverly Hills jewelers, the sparkler was made of white gold encrusted in white diamonds and pink sapphires. ‘It also comes in a box complete with a spinner so that you can see it sparkle under the lights inside,’ Jason Arasheben, the CEO of Jason of Beverly Hills, tells People. And the candy ring has history in the happy couple’s relationship: Three years ago when Cannon, 29, proposed to Carey, 41, it was with a diamond ring disguised in a ring pop candy wrapper,” People reports.

What’s even better, Mariah Carey absolutely loved Nick’s unique present, as a photo she posted online (and that you can see here) clearly shows. As we also reported on a previous occasion, Nick and Mariah promised that every year on their anniversary they would renew their vows, something that celebrity couple Seal and Heidi Klum also does. This is Nick and Mariah’s third ceremony of the kind, the first wedding included.