A huge list

Aug 27, 2009 15:01 GMT  ·  By

As you all know, this fall we will see many high-end titles appear for a variety of platforms all around the world. Among them, one of the most highly anticipated will be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Set to arrive on November 10, its publisher will employ a huge marketing campaign and use all of its resources in order to promote it.

Realizing just how important the title will be, Activision has also partnered up with third-party peripheral manufacturer Mad Catz, known for creating some very attractive guitars for music games and controllers for other consoles.

The company has now revealed just what it will bring to each and every platform when Modern Warfare 2 will be released. The offer is extremely wide and varied and will definitely make many gamers interested in showing off their Call of Duty love by buying some of these things. From controllers to skins or faceplates for your platform of choice, there are enough accessories to go around.

Starting with the Xbox 360, users will be able to get their hands on a special controller that will have features designed to enhance your experience, from rubber grips to a soft touch finish, an intriguing “throat communicator” that will be based on authentic military design and will filter out sound for a better communication between teammates, and a custom-made faceplate and console skin for those of you who want that unique finish on your favorite console.

PlayStation 3 gamers will be able to get their hands on a special wireless controller that will have two unique buttons available for remapping as well as an analog button backlight and rechargeable batteries, a wireless headset with Bluetooth technology in order to have a wire-free experience when communicating with players, and a faceplate for your normal controller, be it a Sixaxis or a DualShock 3 one.

Last but not least, PC users will be getting their hands on things like a special gamepad that will guarantee a high-end experience, with support for all of the latest operating systems like Windows 7, Vista or XP, a special mouse for snipers who want to instantly adjust their sensitivity and DPI resolution on the fly, and, of course, two special keyboards that promise to offer some extreme advantages over your opponents.

Overall, there are plenty of things Modern Warfare 2-related coming your way, so you might see something you'll like if you're a shooter and Call of Duty fan.