Celtic and Welsh mythology-inspired MMO gets goodies

Jul 31, 2008 23:06 GMT  ·  By

Mabinogi, the free to play MMORPG developed by Nexon America will delight its fans even more, as its creators decided it is time to introduce a few more goodies to the game: a brand new weapon and some pets should be enough for now, but more could come in the future.

The Spirit Weapon is the first addition, but using it won't be a piece of cake, since it requires conversation, food and guidance because, just like the name suggests, it hosts a spirit. The good thing is that the spirit's in-game stats can be improved, too, which means that the more you take care of it, the more damage it will cause to your opponents.

Seven new pets are also introduced (cow, white sheep, white flame spider, herb pig and three new dogs - Border Collies, Miniature Pinschers and Samoyeds). These new pets can collect and offer specific items to their owners. For example, cows will give milk, while sheep will give you wool. Dogs are not that productive, but they'll be able to automatically pick up dropped items. Also, Nexon promises to add a host of other new things this month, such as books, dungeons and customization options.

Mabinogi brings a 3D world inspired from the Celtic and Welsh mythology - that's where the name comes from, the Mabinogion being a collection of prose stories from medieval Welsh manuscripts, although it seems that the game actually has little to do, in terms of gameplay, with Mabinogion itself. However, the release provides a new experience with its variety of gameplay, a unique combat system and an age component, all of them meant to deliver additional in-game depth. A nice implementation, at least for music composers, is the possibility to share MIDI files. Also, for the romantic types, marriage is possible, too, so get ready to do some cooking or dungeon raiding whenever the urge strikes the two of you.