Twit-tips from personal trainer, the easiest way to keep the weight off

Aug 3, 2009 19:31 GMT  ·  By
Lauren Conrad’s personal trainer offers free tips for anyone interested on Twitter
   Lauren Conrad’s personal trainer offers free tips for anyone interested on Twitter

“The Hills” star Lauren Conrad is in top shape, and has been so ever since she first began to work out with personal trainer Jarett Del Bene, who was the one to tell her that the focus should always be on keeping lean and strong, as opposed to building muscle mass. Aside from working out under his supervision, Conrad also follows Del Bene’s tips on Twitter, the People magazine says.

As we were also telling you a while back, Lauren is a fan of something called the Body Box, a combination of cardio and strength training that is meant to ensure her body is always lean and proportionate. When she’s not working out, though, she makes sure she checks out Del Bene’s tips on his Twitter page, because they are both extremely useful and motivational, for those times when she feels her will is failing her. The good news is that anyone can do it.

“A great power snack before a workout is a sliced apple with all natural peanut butter! To get great legs do lots of step-ups, squats and lunges! Constantly switch up your workout routine... don’t get stuck doing the same exercises because your body will plateau. TRICK THE BODY! One way to get abs and a flat stomach is to eat 6 small meals a day... Try to eat every 3 hours.” Del Bene writes on his Twitter page. Moreover, anyone looking for advice or simply a few words of encouragement can contact the trainer themselves, as he urges in one of his most recent posts.

Speaking of eating and meals, Del Bene is adamant we should eat more than three meals a day so that we never go hungry and then overindulge. This is a tip that he has also given Conrad, who eats at least five times a day and thus manages to stay in such amazing shape. However, there’s one big catch: eating more meals does not mean eating more calories as well, as, in Conrad’s case for instance, the calorie intake does not go over the 1,200 – 1,500 threshold, which is the recommended intake for an adult.

Since a personal trainer is not something that every average Joe or Jane can afford – especially these days – perhaps following Jarett Del Bene on Twitter is the most convenient way of having someone see us through our fight against the pounds – that, of course, granted we also pay heed to what Del Bene advises.