Awesome and ridiculous, new release will be a hit, critics say

Oct 19, 2009 14:18 GMT  ·  By

“I want your ugly, I want your disease,” Lady Gaga sings in the opening lines of “Bad Romance,” one of the eight new tracks that will be included on her re-packaged “The Fame: Monster.” “‘Cuz you’re a criminal as long as you’re mine” she whispers later on on the same track, which is being described as darker, edgier and, at the same time, many times more insane than anything else she put out so far.

According to a brief review on Digital Spy at least, “Bad Romance,” the final version of the demo that fans got to hear a couple of weeks ago, is so insane, it’s almost ridiculous. There is darkness and there’s also singing in French, yet the track still makes for a very catchy pop song that will most certainly burn the airwaves and escalate to the top positions of the charts. What’s more, reviews are this favorable within hours of the release – “Bad Romance” premiered hours ago on BBC radio.

“[‘Bad Romance’] is flat out fantastic. It’s got... well, what hasn’t it got? There’s a killer chorus with backing vocals that threaten to break into ‘Uptown Girl,’ a big old Kit Kat Chunky of a bassline, loads of great Gaga lines like ‘I want your leather-studded kiss in the sand,’ a ‘walk walk fashion baby!’ middle 8 and even a few seconds of Gaga singing in French. There are bits where you can almost taste the sweat dripping off RedOne’s brow. There are bits where Gaga’s vocal performance makes you wonder whether a trip to The Priory might be in order.” Digital Spy writes of the release.

Either way, “Bad Romance” is a must-listen, the same e-zine urges. “Oh, and around the 2.15 mark, there's a bit where, just beneath the mix, Gaga cries: ‘‘Cause I’m a free [expletive] baby!’ Why? Because she bloody well can. If you haven’t heard this brilliant / ridiculous pop song yet, sack off whatever you’re doing and head over to YouTube for the radio rip right away.” Digital Spy writes.

However, while critics are singing Gaga’s praises for yet another masterful pop track, average audiences are divided, which could also lead one to believe that “Bad Romance,” just like all Gaga songs, is the love-it or hate-it type. Below is the full track, listen and see for yourselves what to make of it.