Maybe next year

Apr 25, 2007 08:05 GMT  ·  By

LG Electronics has found another phone feature to exploit. They now wish to expand the user's interaction with its phone by going past the sound and music characteristics. This is why LG is now working on completing a mobile phone model that will interact with its user by touch.

The LG Electronics spokesperson tried to explain the actual way in which all this will be accomplished: "If a bomb explodes in an action movie, light-emitting diodes blink in tune with the audio-visual content, on display in three dimensions."

The phone model will support digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB), provided by MBC broadcasting network. The concept of this phone actually means that LG Electronics is taking even further the touch sensitive feature. It has been used on older models, such as LG KE850 Prada, LG Chocolate series and others. They also used sensors instead of a keyboard in order to receive the user's commands. These previous models that depended on touch sensitivity were addressed especially to women, due to the delicate touch needed, but it is not out of the question for the new model yet in progress to also have men included in its target.

Work on the phone with touch sensitivity has not yet been completed. The date of its release was estimated to be sometime next year, but its price hasn't been revealed yet.