Nov 24, 2010 08:07 GMT  ·  By

Given the fact that Apple's iPad is, after all, a portable device, there's some clear and present danger of it getting wet or splashed with various liquids, and in order to help the tablet's owners avoid all sorts of (potentially costly) mishaps, CS ideas has recently announced the Drycase Folio waterproof iPad case, a device that allows full use of touchscreen and controls on the iPad while it's sealed safely inside.

The Drycase Folio touted as being the first waterproof iPad case with a built-in waterproof speaker mic jack that will allow users to listen and speak through the iPad with a microphone headset, this specialty jack giving users the ability to make calls, use voice apps and listen to movies by the pool, at the beach or even out on the boat.

Drycase features a unique waterproof closure and vacuum seal system to lock the iPad safely inside the case, users securing the iPad inside and using the included vacuum pump to remove the excess air, ensuring that the case is properly sealed.

When this goal is achieved, the case is impervious to liquids, sand, salt and even submersion.

On the backside of the iPad case, the manufacturer has included dual support loops and neoprene velcro bands for holding and mounting the iPad in industrial or marine applications.

"This waterproof iPad case has been designed with innovative features to specifically fit the next generation of personal, mobile computing," stated Toi Chance-Sangthong, President of CS ideas.

"With nearly 10 years experience in the waterproof market, our customers count on us to bring them the latest in waterproof protection for their electronics and outdoor use, the Drycase Waterproof iPad Case helps us continue in this tradition," added Mr. Chance-Sangthong.

The Drycase Folio waterproof iPad case sells for roughly 60 US dollars, which, to be perfectly honest, is actually quite an OK price point, given the level of protection this thing delivers for the expensive Internet tablet held within.