Despite his claims that they are not and have never been together

Aug 4, 2009 14:18 GMT  ·  By
Jon Gosselin and Kate Major on the one occasion they were spotted going out – for an interview, nonetheless
   Jon Gosselin and Kate Major on the one occasion they were spotted going out – for an interview, nonetheless

As Jon Gosselin insists that either he’s single or in a serious relationship with 22-year-old Hailey Glassman, Kate Major, the former Star editor that resigned a short while ago because she was in love with him, is preparing to do the media rounds discussing the “affair.” The first revealing interview will be with E!’s Ken Baker, as gossip blogger Perez Hilton reveals.

Apparently, Major will dish out on all the details that the public has been waiting to hear on Gosselin, like, whether he was ever seriously in love with Glassman, if he and Glassman started their affair while he was still married to Kate Gosselin, and whether she (Major) and Jon have any plans for the future. As of now, though, the two are playing it cool with minimum contact and plenty of miles in between them, trying to wait until the scandal blows over.

The interview in question will air this Wednesday, Perez says, but Michael Lohan, Gosselin’s newest best friend, is already talking to the media and spilling the beans on details that would probably best remain a secret, at least from the point of view of E!, the outlet offering the exclusive interview. “They are keeping it low key. They have not been going out too much. She needed to get away. Kate has really fallen for him and cares about him a great deal. She called him when she arrived. She wanted him to know we all got here safely. She will fly back and meet up with Jon after her vacation.” Lohan says as to why the two lovers decided to spend some time apart.

Ironically enough, Perez points out, if Lohan is acting as Gosselin’s spokesperson, he’s not doing a very good job at keeping tabs on his own client’s statements. It’s not long ago that Jon was telling one magazine that he was head over heels in love with Glassman, who was also a very dear friend who helped him out get over the painful divorce from the first Kate, while revealing for another that he was single and planning on remaining that way for a while longer.

Although Jon Gosselin made no announcement as to hiring Michael Lohan as his spokesperson, judging from his past statement, it clearly seems this is the case. Not long ago, Lohan was telling the media that, “He would love to be friends with her [Kate Gosselin]. They had eight kids and he would like to work things out the right way and just be friends.” Hours later, rumors were surfacing that Jon was about to go to war against Kate for some money she made while still married and hid from him.