Reports say star is aiming to find love and fame again

Jan 4, 2010 11:00 GMT  ·  By
Kate Gosselin will do a dating reality show next to put food on the table, report says
   Kate Gosselin will do a dating reality show next to put food on the table, report says

Though reports late last year had it that interest in the Jon and Kate Gosselin pair was dwindling, it seems she has not yet come to that point where she gives up trying. After taking some time out from reality television, albeit against her own will, Kate will be making her return on Americans’ small screens with a new dating show, PopEater writes.

Unconfirmed reports say that, since audiences are now sick and tired of seeing Kate as a mother of eight dealing with domestic issues, such as paying the bills, taking the kids out and going through a divorce, she is now trying for a different angle. There is some interest, it seems, in seeing Kate trying to get her life back in order again by finding a man whom she might marry at a certain point. Therefore, her next television project might be centered on that.

“Oh no, say it ain’t so. Sources tell me the newly-single Kate Gosselin is in discussions to star in a new reality show – this time focusing on finding new (and hopefully snipped) love! ‘Love her or hate her, people are fascinated by Kate,’ a TV executive tells me. ‘She has a lot of mouths to feed and Kate looking for love will certainly put bread on the table’,” PopEater writes, citing sources in the industry.

Still, as of now, such reports are being circulated without any kind of confirmation whatsoever. PopEater, for one, says the project is yet to be greenlit. “But before you return your TV to Best Buy, take note that the idea hasn’t been greenlighted yet. ‘It’s still in the development stage,’ says one insider – and let’s hope it stays there. Kate, we all want you to find love, but this time around, maybe keep the cameras out of it,” PopEater writes.

As fans of the now-defunct “Jon & Kate Plus 8” should know, at one point, rumors even had it that Kate, given her surge in popularity with moms, would do a show for them, together with a line of cosmetic products, which would also be targeted at mothers. As the divorce proceedings became more and more of a media circus, all talk of such projects ceased.