Eat healthily and exercise as often as you can, the actress says

Sep 15, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By
Healthy eating and regular exercise are key for a body like Kate Beckinsale’s
   Healthy eating and regular exercise are key for a body like Kate Beckinsale’s

Aside from making black leather look hotter than ever thanks to her part as the vampire warrior Selene in the first two “Underworld” films, British actress Kate Beckinsale always makes for a stunning presence on the red carpet. She’s got grace and elegance, but, as it happens, she has also a gorgeous body that makes every outfit she puts on look good. That last part doesn’t come naturally, though, and Kate has to work hard for it, as How Celebrities Lose Weight puts it.

The actress struggled with bulimia in her teen years and also had to overcome very serious body-image issues while still young. However, she has now found true confidence in herself and, instead of giving in to the pressure of looking in a certain way, she has decided to focus solely on her health, which means eating healthily and working out as often as she gets the chance.

“I’m amazed that people obsess over my body image so much. Why do we encourage this war on women’s bodies? It’s a horrendous way to live, and I refuse to. I didn’t have a clue about healthy eating when I was in my twenties – I’d eat a small breakfast and lunch and then have a baked potato for dinner and feel really horrible. Now my typical daily diet is eggs or oatmeal for breakfast, a chicken or vegetable wrap for lunch, then fish and vegetables for dinner. But if someone turns up with cupcakes mid-afternoon, I’ll have one. I’m not aiming to be Gisele. And I’d hate to be one of those people who won’t allow themselves a slice of birthday cake.” Kate said in a recent interview about her diet.

Like other female stars, Beckinsale too knows the importance of allowing herself a treat every once in a while, which is why, as noted above, she would never say no to cupcakes, her biggest sweet tooth. The actress doesn’t believe in fad diets and would never consider starving herself the way she used to do when she was younger, but that’s also because she has learned that she can indulge if she sticks to a regular workout routine.

“I’m entirely normal. I have my good days and my bad days. I am a lot more body confident now I’m in my thirties, and am in better shape, too.” the actress argued in the same interview mentioned above. However, Kate hates the idea of working out in public, which is why she had a gym set up in her home so that she can work on her body without thinking some nosy paparazzo might snap her picture while sweating out. Another thing that Kate does to maintain her enviable shape consists of drinking plenty of green tea – as a matter of fact, not a day goes by without Kate starting it with four cups of green tea, HCLW says.