Long way to Shanghai

Mar 18, 2010 21:31 GMT  ·  By

IO Interactive, as the developer, and Square Enix, through its Eidos subsidiary, as the publisher, have announced that Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is set to be released on August 24 on the North American market and on August 27 in other territories. The game should come to the PC through Games for Windows, the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the PlayStation 3 from Sony.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days is described by its creators as a more raw and brutal crime shooter. The disturbed pair from the original release return and, in what seems to be a trend in videogaming for 2010, go to Shanghai.

There, they will fight and run for 48 hours, trying to get out of the stickiest situations they ever found themselves in. Lynch continues to be impulsive and sociopathic, with medication not helping his problems, while Kane is again the tactically inclined of the pair, although his personal troubles always get in the way.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days aims to introduce something fresh with its visual style, which is influenced by the way video often looks when shot with a small, handheld, frantically moved around camera. The idea is for the looks of the game to reflect the frantic gun fights and the unstable characters of the main player proxies. It also delivers a complete multiplayer experience, with the Fragile Alliance mode appearing along Undercover Cop, Cops & Robbers and Arcade.

Niels Jørgensen, who occupies the general manager position at IO Interactive, stated that “We believe the unique visuals and relentless gameplay has created an intensity never delivered in a videogame before. In a genre where so many games look and feel the same, Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days will make people double-take. We think it’s going to make quite an impression.”