Nov 26, 2010 18:01 GMT  ·  By

A new set of data coming from developer BioWare has shown that just 18 percent of the players who bought the game chose to play a female Commander Shepard, despite the fact that reviewers and the media talked at length about the very nuanced and powerful acting performance of female voice actor Jennifer Hale.

Some commentators have gone so far as to say that the female version of the main character (red hair seems to be a very popular secondary characteristic) is the one which BioWare considers canon, yet 82% of gamers played the male version.

The statistics collected by BioWare also show that 83 percent of gamers chose to tweak the appearance of their main character and that most of them chose to play using the Soldier class, which is arguably the most solid of those offered but also the most boring one later in the video game.

It seems that the old Turian friend which makes a return from the Mass Effect was the most popular character, meaning that most players chose him as support on missions.

The Normandy was upgraded fully by just about half the players who picked up Mass Effect 2 before the end of the campaign and 14 percent of all recruited squad members died during the infinite universe created by the playthroughs.

Apparently 10 percent of gamers also hate Krogans as they never chose to free Grunt and use him on missions.

Approximately one third of gamers chose the Renegade ending at the end of the single player narrative.

BioWare has said that it has collected information linked to character development and choices in order to shape the story of the final game in the trilogy, while making sure that all the personal information of the gamers were kept private.

BioWare has not made an official announcement linked to Mass Effect 3, although one could come on December 11.