Jan 24, 2011 09:49 GMT  ·  By
John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston make red carpet debut after the birth of son Benjamin
   John Travolta and wife Kelly Preston make red carpet debut after the birth of son Benjamin

Last Sunday, at the Golden Globes 2011, host Ricky Gervais made a veiled joke about leading Scientology figures John Travolta and Tom Cruise. The former has responded to said joke the other night, TMZ reports.

Gervais tied the joke to the recently released film “I Love You Philip Morris,” starring Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor as two inmates who fall in love and break out of jail.

He then went on to say that, while these two were straight men playing gay, the exact opposite was true for some Scientologists. He was referring to Cruise and Travolta, whose orientation has long been topic of debate online.

TMZ caught up with Travolta the other night, and asked him how he felt about Gervais’ jokes, even though his name wasn’t mentioned in the opening monolog.

Travolta carefully avoided answering the question, by referring strictly to the awards show as a whole.

“John Travolta – who was the implied butt of a controversial joke from Ricky Gervais during the Golden Globes – seemed to acknowledge the situation last night when he told our photog the event was ‘more like a roast’ than an awards show,” TMZ notes.

“John was all smiles leaving an event at the Hollywood Palladium last night as dozens of fans asked for autographs and congratulated him on his new baby. But he was stone cold silent when we asked him if he had any words for Gervais,” the same e-zine says.

In the video, John is actually seen repeating what he said before, when asked about Gervais: the Globes were “more like a roast.”

If Travolta feels Gervais crossed the line at the Globes, he’s not the only one to think it: at this Saturday’s Producers Guild Awards, Judd Apatow put the British comedian on blast for being unnecessarily mean in his jokes as host of the awards ceremony, as we also informed you just hours ago.