Star is ridiculed again for not thinking before speaking/writing

Aug 3, 2009 14:31 GMT  ·  By
Jessica Simpson is confused about the English language, takes to Twitter to find answers
   Jessica Simpson is confused about the English language, takes to Twitter to find answers

A few years ago, Jessica Simpson had serious problems wrapping her brain around the idea that tuna could have been chicken of the sea, as it was documented on her and then-husband Nick’s reality show. In what is a very funny twist of events, it seems that the singer and actress has now forgotten the English language altogether, as she reveals in a recent post on her Twitter page.

Uncovered by OhNoTheyDidn’t, a forum that “specializes” in getting the dirt on all celebrities, the post in question has again brought Simpson into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. Fans and posters on the forum have already started a thread discussing whether Jessica is simply “playing dumb” or “she actually is that dumb” as to ask users of Twitter whether “asks” is even a word, and misspell such a common word as “laziness” is.

“Love it when the lyric of a song asks me a question” Jessica first writes. A few minutes later, she returns to her Twitter page to wonder out loud, probably oblivious to the fact that the media and especially the celebrity blogs will get wind of her slip-up. “Is ‘asks’ even a word? If not, sorry 4 my layziness with grammar.” Simpson writes. As one user of ONTD also notes, it’s strange how she doesn’t know what “asks” is, misspells “laziness,” but gets “grammar” right, which would have been the most obvious choice for a slip-of-the-fingers/tongue.

However, regardless of the ridicule she almost willingly exposes herself to, at least Simpson is looking up to brighter times, as she’s currently preparing to re-launch her television career with a new reality show. Dubbed “The Price of Beauty,” the series has reportedly already gone into production and it’s costing VH1 no less than $25,000 for each single episode, as Simpson insists on having her own people do her hair and makeup, as we were also telling you over the weekend. Ironically enough, the show is supposed to be about the pains women go through to fit today’s beauty standards.

No word yet on when “The Price of Beauty” hits small screens. However, when it does, expect more gems like the one she just posted on Twitter to come our way.