Tabloids say former lovers are fuming with Mayer’s tell-all interview

Feb 17, 2010 16:21 GMT  ·  By
Star magazine says Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson are plotting their revenge against John Mayer
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   Star magazine says Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson are plotting their revenge against John Mayer

Singer John Mayer has always enjoyed quite a solid reputation of a loudmouth, though never before has he put his foot in his mouth like he did in a recent interview we were also telling you about. Presumably with the intention of making it his most honest interview ever, Mayer started dishing details of his relationships with Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston, much to the shock and humiliation of both.

Two of this week’s tabloids have covers precisely with this, as Cover Awards can confirm, though one chooses to talk of Jessica Simpson alone, while the other claims both feel as if they had just been “stabbed in the heart” by Mayer, a man whom they once loved and trusted. As it happens, given the backlash and media frenzy the Mayer interview has generated, neither OK! Magazine nor Star might actually be that far from the truth.

“Jessica Simpson was stunned on Feb. 10 when she awoke to a flood of texts, e-mails and Tweets asking if she had seen ex-flame John Mayer’s interview. ‘Jessica was shocked,’ a pal of the singer tells OK!. ‘She was really [upset] at first when she heard about it, then she read the whole interview, and the first thing that she said was, I’m annoyed John would sink so low’.” OK! magazine writes. The aforementioned interview would be the same one in which Mayer gave lurid details of their life behind closed doors, comparing her to “napalm” and “cocaine” in bed.

Star magazine, though, says the two stunners are not about to give up the fight without at least causing a ruckus, as if that was something they would ever do. The cover reads in screaming caps, “Jen & Jessica, Stabbed in the heart! John kisses & tells… everything. Now it’s revenge!” Further captions promise more startling revelations inside the magazine like, “Jen’s furious call to John; Jess freaks out; What THEY have on HIM,” as Cover Awards can confirm.

As we also informed you at the time, while Mayer really did air the dirty laundry on his affair with Simpson, he kept quite to himself about that with Jennifer Aniston, saying only that he had and continued to love her and that he would be forever sorry that things did not work out between them.

Photo Gallery (2 Images)

Star magazine says Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson are plotting their revenge against John Mayer
Jessica Simpson is heartbroken by John Mayer’s betrayal, OK! Magazine says
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