Jan 13, 2011 10:38 GMT  ·  By
Jessica Biel is being considered for leading role in “The Dark Knight Rises,” report says
   Jessica Biel is being considered for leading role in “The Dark Knight Rises,” report says

With a release date for July 2012, the third “Batman” film, “The Dark Knight Rises” is yet to have a female lead and a female villain. Director Chris Nolan is now looking at candidates – and Jessica Biel may be one of them.

Earlier, word got out that Nolan wanted either Anne Hathaway or Rachel Weisz for the film, and was considering how they may fit into the whole picture.

He’s now expanded his search since he’s looking for more than just a lead, The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision has learned: he also needs a convincing female villain.

“Sources tell Heat Vision that Keira Knightley, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Biel are due to test for roles in the Warner Bros. superhero tentpole in the next two weeks,” THR says.

“Also testing are relative newcomers Kate Mara and Charlotte Riley. Hot British actress Gemma Arterton has also scheduled to test but, as Heat Vision first reported last week, Arterton just landed the female lead in Paramount’s Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters and might now have scheduling issues,” says the same report.

As noted above, the tests will be for two parts: that of love interest for Christian Bale’s Bruce Wayne and that of female opponent to Bale’s Batman.

Apparently, “The Dark Knight Rises” will feature several villains, if one is to believe word in the blogosphere. Another one would be Dr. Hugo Strange, who will be reportedly (or hopefully, for fans) portrayed by Tom Hardy.

“Dark Knight Rises needs to fill two big female roles, a villain and a love interest,” THR says.

“Sources say one character is Talia, the daughter of villain Ra’s Al Ghul, who was portrayed by Liam Neeson in Nolan’s first Gotham-set crime pic Batman Begins. In the comic books, Talia is both Batman’s lover and antagonist, ultimately siring his alter ego Bruce Wayne’s son,” the report further notes.

An even earlier report said that, while Nolan promised he would not recast the role of The Joker that was played by Heath Ledger in “The Dark Knight,” he would use old footage and CGI to bring The Joker back for a brief cameo.

“The Dark Knight Rises” is out in theaters in July 2012. Keep an eye on this space for updates on this.