Reality star talks about her weight loss and criticism in the media

Jun 19, 2010 10:41 GMT  ·  By
Actress and reality star Tori Spelling has lost a lot of weight but that doesn’t justify harsh criticism in the media, she says
   Actress and reality star Tori Spelling has lost a lot of weight but that doesn’t justify harsh criticism in the media, she says

Tori Spelling has a new book out, “Uncharted TerriTORI” and, as such, whether she likes it or not, she’s forced to talk about her recent drastic weight loss if the question pops up in promotional interviews – and that, of course, it does. Being picked on for being overweight is hard, but just as traumatizing is being targeted for being underweight, the star says, as cited by the Daily Mail.

Though she recently explained how come she became so skinny by saying it was swine flu that completely turned her stomach upside down, thus upsetting her eating habits, Tori insists people continue to pick on her because of her weight, probably unaware of how deeply troubling that is. She even compares her own case with being bullied for being fat: it’s the same gesture and has the same results, even if people don’t see it that way, she says.

“I think people don’t really understand how much it hurts. You know, they understand that it hurts to call people overweight, but when you call someone underweight it’s just as horrible. It really knocks down your self-confidence. I’m a role model for a lot of women out there, so I hate that they say these things unwarranted, without any research and facts. I think it's doing a disservice to women out there that look up to any celebrity,” Tori is quoted as saying.

At the same time, the star also worries about how all this may affect her two-year-old daughter. The only consolation at this point is that Stella can’t read and that, by the time all this gets to her, she (Tori) would have had plenty of opportunity to explain it to her. “That worries me every single day, the way they attack me in the press. I’m so grateful that she can’t read yet. I’m hoping they’ll let up on that by the time she gets old enough to understand, but I’m going to have to explain to her that this is what happens,” Tori says.

In May this year, also in a bid to make the rumors stop, while on vacation with her husband and family, Tori agreed to pose in a two-piece swimsuit for a US magazine. The accompanying piece said that she was not so much thin as rather “lean” and toned, as we also informed you at the time.