Nov 22, 2010 14:13 GMT  ·  By
Dropbox offers to extend users' space by as much as 768MB by linking the service to Twitter, Facebook
   Dropbox offers to extend users' space by as much as 768MB by linking the service to Twitter, Facebook

Dropbox users are now able to extend their accounts’ storage capacity by as much as 768 MB completely free of charge, by linking the service to Facebook and Twitter via simple tasks such as telling your friends why you love the service, or by following the makers of the cloud-based solution on Twitter.

Over at the official Dropbox web site, visitors are greeted by a message saying “Get extra space free!”. According to the makers of this indispensable tool for any computer user, customers can instantly boost their Dropbox space by completing a few simple tasks.

The most simple and most accessible task of all, regardless of whether you actually use Twitter or Facebook, is “Tell us why you love Dropbox.”

“Send us some feedback. All you have to do is tell us why you love Dropbox. It's that simple,” the team behind the service writes.

Those who use the aforementioned services can easily grab more storage by following Dropbox on Twitter, by tweeting about the service, by connecting their Facebook account with Dropbox and by telling friends why it’s such a great tool to use across your entire range of devices.

Notably, those who have a Twitter account but don’t have a Facebook subscription can simply leave Facebook out, and get as much extra storage as possible by linking to Twitter and, of course, by telling the folks at Dropbox why you love their work.

It goes the same for those who aren’t Twitter fans, but do have a social life on Facebook.

Needless to point out, those who have both a Twitter and a Facebook account can snag a hefty 769MB extra storage in just a few clicks.

Dropbox has been a Softpedia favorite ever since its introduction in 2008, and quickly became a Softpedia Freeware Pick earning its place as one of the most valuable assets for Mac users looking for a reliable backup and sync solution.