Tasting is not allowed, sniffing is OK

Apr 21, 2009 20:21 GMT  ·  By

For us, regular people, staying in shape or perhaps losing a few pounds can seem like an impossible task, but it can still be accomplished with the help of a balanced diet and some workout. For models, though, body sizes differ, so, what may seem ideal to us could verge on fat in the fashion industry. This is how a new “breed” has come into being: they’re called cake sniffers and they do exactly what their name implies, as per a Daily Mail piece.

Cake sniffers are models, be them women or men, who have come up with the convenient way of “indulging” in a calorie-laden cake by sniffing it. In a world where, as we all know, size is everything and every pound matters, salad and fruit make up most meals, a piece of cake is like eating the forbidden fruit in front of an outraged audience. Nevertheless, the Mail says, even models have urges, so, when they feel a craving for cake coming on, they just sniff it and they’re OK again.

“Just as a mere taster of how severe the situation in the model world is, I have two words for you: Cake Sniffers. For the past eight years I have had to endure working in office full of cake sniffers. You might not have heard of this strange breed before, so let me introduce them. They are crazy, deluded girls who think it is acceptable to have birthday cake, but calorie kamikaze to eat it. Smelling it is okay though. So while I eat the icing, they close their eyes and sniff cake.” an anonymous editor tells the Mail, based on her 8-year experience in the fashion world, surrounded by models.

Sniffing cake in itself might not be such a big deal, it is further being added, were it to be accompanied by a healthy eating habit. Instead, it is not, as women everywhere in the fashion industry are striving to look as thin as possible, knowing that, otherwise, no one would pay attention to them and give them the much-expected big break. For some, even the customary salad and glass of water is too much, and they easily skip it to stay stick thin, it is being pinpointed.

“Dieting extremes have become so normal to me that I work alongside girls (and boys) that most people would deem seriously ill. Recently there was a new girl who dropped from a size 12 to a 6 in under two months. Things came to a head when we all went for lunch and she refused to order. Not even the raw salad and glass of water the others were ‘enjoying.’ Afterwards I decided to voice my concern that she might have a problem. Her manager looked me up and down, slowly taking in my comparative curves, before declaring sourly that perhaps I was the one with the problem.” the anonymous model concludes by saying for the Mail.

What these models forget, though, is that there will definitely come a day when they will feel sorry for destroying their bodies with such unhealthy practices, nutritionists and doctors warn.