Quite a large list

Feb 12, 2009 20:01 GMT  ·  By

Online services are one of the primary selling points of the current generation of consoles. While the Xbox 360 currently holds supremacy over its rivals with the extremely popular Xbox Live service, the other two companies, Sony and Nintendo aren't giving up without a fight.

As such, Sony has released a few months ago the very hyped up but often delayed Home online service, in open beta stage. Despite the fact that the first few weeks were plagued by a lot of problems and glitches, after some subsequent patches everything got on track and things are now looking very good and, most importantly, profitable for the Japanese company.

We've already seen other companies bring new content to Home, as Red Bull and EA Sports already have or will soon have their own spaces in the online social network, but now it seems, that Japanese gaming website Game.Watch.Impress has just found out a pretty interesting list from Sony, in which the company lists its partners that will bring new content to Home in the following time period.

While we've already seen companies from the list bring things, for example Capcom, which has announced that a Resident Evil space and Street Fighter IV-themed items will appear in Home, a lot of them haven't said anything about partnering up with Sony. Here's the complete list of companies that will bring new stuff to Home in the future:

-Atlus  -Acquire  -Activision  -Irem  -EA  -SNK Playmore  -AQ Interactive  -Q Entertainment  -GungHo  -Games Republic  -Capcom  -Koei  -Hudson  -Sega  -Disney Interactive Studios  -D3  -Spike  -Genki  -Nipponichi  -Namco Bandai Games  -Ubisoft  -Paon  -Tecmo  -Konami

A pretty impressive list that, at first glance, shows that Sony is aiming Home at its own country, Japan, and will offer a lot of local content in its service. Hopefully we'll get to see some more details on these partnerships in the weeks to come.