Gosling plans to take a break from acting, his fans are already going through withdrawals

Mar 28, 2013 15:36 GMT  ·  By
The Gosline is here to help Ryan Gosling fans deal with the heartbreak of his planned acting hiatus
   The Gosline is here to help Ryan Gosling fans deal with the heartbreak of his planned acting hiatus

British fans of handsome actor Ryan Gosling have now the chance to seek comfort and counseling over their broken hearts after his announcement about taking a break from acting: the Gosline from Blink Box from Tesco.

According to the Daily Mail, the Gosline is there to help all fans going through Gosling withdrawals deal with the harsh reality.

It will do so by playing back to them a “soothing” message in the actor’s voice, as lifted from his hit movie “The Notebook,” which happens to be the same one that created all this online frenzy around him, including the Hey Girl meme.

The Gosline is already a hit, though my guess is that many women called it just out of curiosity at first.

Even so, you have to admit that, as ridiculous as it might sound, the idea is actually quite brilliant: after all, we’re talking about an actor with one of the most active and fiercely loyal fanbases in the world.

Many hearts must be bleeding right now, after he said those dreadful words, “I think it’s good for me to take a break and reassess why I’m doing it and how I’m doing it. […] I need a break from myself as much as I imagine the audience does.”