Activision is quick to please

Nov 3, 2008 21:51 GMT  ·  By

When Guitar Hero: World Tour was launched a few days ago, a lot of players quickly began to complain that the peripherals bundled with the game, the drum kit especially, had some issues. The main inconvenience was caused by the fact that hitting different drum pads with the same force produced results that were not coherent. Some of the pads needed much more force to register a hit, and to produce a sound in Guitar Hero World Tour. There were also reports that the drums were not compatible with Rock Band 2, as Activision had stated earlier.

Activision, to its credit, moved quickly towards addressing all the complaints that came from players. In this sense, it has recently released a drum-tuning application, which makes sure that all the drum pads are calibrated at the same level, so a player can apply the same force to all of them.

The user only needs to go to the Activision customer support page and download the application. The only catch is the fact that he is required a midi to his USB cable, in order to connect the drum kit to a computer. If he does not have one, and requests it instead on the same website, Activision is ready to send it to him.

Activision also says that all the problems that appeared around the release date have been caused by a production glitch, which has since been remedied. Thus, only some of the hardware bundles were affected but, even given the reported problems, potential customers should not delay in getting Guitar Hero World Tour.

Rock Band 2, the rival game coming from Harmonix and MTV Games, did not have any hardware related issues, when it debuted earlier in September. The battle between the two music sims will be one of the highlights of the Christmas shopping season.