The man came a bit too close to the wild animal in the attempt to get some good shots

Aug 27, 2012 08:28 GMT  ·  By

Alaska's Denali National Park recently witnessed the killing of a hiker by a grizzly bear. Apparently, this incident is the first of its kind in the park's history, meaning that although accidents involving bears have occurred in the past, this is the first time when a man ends up losing his life.

Sources claim that the hiker – whose name has not yet been disclosed by authorities – set out to explore the wilderness all by himself, and having come across a grizzly bear decided to spend some time photographing it.

Because the hiker got too close to the animal, the latter decided to fight back. Apparently, the bear did not display any signs of aggressive behavior prior to the attack.

Following this incident, a male grizzly bear thought to have been responsible for killing the hiker was shot dead by park authorities.

An analysis of the bear's stomach is soon to follow, and hopefully this will prove whether or not the animal killed by rangers was in fact the one responsible for the hiker's losing his life in this brutal manner.

A somewhat similar incident occurred this past weekend in a German zoo, when a woman was killed by a tiger which was trying to make an escape.

In case you wish to know what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation, you can watch the video here.