Will it hit Europe and America?

Jan 10, 2007 11:29 GMT  ·  By

I know you were hoping for a cheaper PSP but no word is out on that issue. Instead, you have to know that Sony plans to release a Gold PSP later this year. Next Generation reports that this new handheld model will hit Japanese stores on the 22nd of February and will cost around 20,790 yen.

This price is set for the normal RRP standalone modes and it will include only an AC adapter and battery pack. No word is out yet on an American or European release date, but if we are to judge Sony's track record on console releases, we would have to say that it will come out in one month's time in the US and a few months later in Europe.

Also, on the same day, a special pack will become available to mark the release of Monster Hunter Portable 2nd by Capcom. Although no details on the content of this pack have been released yet, we know that it will be called Monster Hunter Portable 2nd Hunter Pack (duh!).

This Gold model will be the sixth PSP color to come to Japanese retailers, but so far, only the Black, White and Pink models have arrived in Europe and America. Maybe they won't keep this release just for them..