Mogul taken to court for crimes committed via telepathy

Jul 10, 2009 09:34 GMT  ·  By
Woman claiming to be a goddess reincarnated is taking Hugh Hefner to court for $3 billion
   Woman claiming to be a goddess reincarnated is taking Hugh Hefner to court for $3 billion

Either Sheri Denise Allred does not know that Hugh Hefner is reportedly in high, troubled financial waters, being forced to sell one of his mansions and considerably cut down on expenses, or she really is the Goddess Venus reincarnated. The woman has just filed a lawsuit against the Playboy mogul asking for no less than $3 billion in damages, as court documents reveal.

According to the unbelievably long – and mostly incoherent – letter, Allred says Hefner not only used to date her mother, but he also molested her when she was as young as five, by hiding under her bed thanks to telepathy. Moreover, from what one might infer, Hefner might have also had a hand in the murder of Allred’s father, who was offed by a John Gotti Mafia guy – whom, again, Hefner may or may not have influenced. For the abuse she suffered as a child, Allred is asking the mogul for $3 billion in damages – preferably in checks.

Hefner, it seems, is part of a larger crime organization that goes after children all over the US, Allred begins by saying. She for one can testify that Hef, the man who built an empire on good-looking young women and their willingness to pose for the cameras, has been hunting her ever since she was just 5, the first time he hid under her bed. Allred is, as per her own words, “a hat” that knows everything that goes on in people’s mind, actually “a reincarnation [of] Venus Aphrodite Demilo de goddess,” while Hefner is “the centaur of greek [sic] gods.”

“And I’m a reincarnation and a hat to straight parents and to the none molested I am a blessing.since i can tolally remember being molested and then I am the molested blessing.I consider my hat my telepathy from God and I also carry the beautifiliest angel lusefer in me cause I remember being the Goddess Venus see me and odeseyues God of wine and Zues, in which I have a different perspective on such a God well you know well built, a body like a brick house like a God that rules.” Allred writes in her statement, typos and misspellings included.

Understandably, Hugh Hefner has not yet responded in any way to the allegations brought against him, and chances are he never will unless to crack some joke about the reincarnated goddess, granted he gets the humor of the situation. It is not yet known whether the judge who got served with this letter needed medical assistance for the fit of laughter it must have caused him or her.