Sony directing their attention towards girls

Nov 1, 2006 14:35 GMT  ·  By

Sony has something more than the PS3 release up their sleeve, as they are planning to release some new versions of their PSP and PS2 games consoles.

More exactly, they are planning to bring joy to Japanese girls by releasing the pink PS2 and PSP. The pink PS2 will cost around 20,790 yen (converted into some currency that makes sense to us, about US$ 178) and the pink PSP will be retailing for 16,000 yen (US$ 137). So, girls, wake up real early on November 22 and then run in a heartbeat to Sony stores to buy your pink consoles.

Looks like Sony is trying desperately to increase its female audience as the company is working with fashion brand Samantha Thavasa, to produce some exclusive PSP goods. A pink leather handbag to match the pink PSP will be available starting with November 22 for 15,750 yen (US$ 135). Also, some other accessories like a rabbit fur strap (let's see what PETA has to say about that), a heart charm strap (I'm getting sick right about now) and a Tote bag.

Sony also has something for the boys, as they plan to release a silver and a metallic blue PSP. These color options will be available starting with December 14 for the silver one, and December 21 for the metallic blue.