Hoping for some great games

Jan 1, 2010 15:11 GMT  ·  By

It's the first day of 2010 and we continue talking about the Games of the Year here at Softpedia while also struggling to put out some news during this parched period in the videogame business. Here is what happened during the last week of 2009 in gaming and one Weekend Reading piece.

On Monday, Microsoft announced that Halo: Legends would be getting a final episode on January 2, 2010 and that an interview with the team who created the series before the full DVD of the anime would make an appearance in February. Meanwhile, there were some hints that the first official news related to Grand Theft Auto V might be released in 2010, probably in time for the E3 trade show.

On Tuesday, Modern Warfare 2 got its pride shot down after a player noticed the fact that one map in the game, which was supposedly set in Pakistan, had Arabic writing on it, rather than the Urdu, which was supposed to be used. Infinity Ward was quick to issue an apology. On the same day, NBA 2K10 was unveiled as the game that offers players a chance to actually design a shoe for Kobe Bryant by engaging in a multiplayer tournament.

On Wednesday, BioWare announced that Return to Ostagar would be arriving on January 5, while also talking about the creation of characters it would be working on in Mass Effect 2 when taken out of the first game in the series.

There were only three days worth of news during the last week of 2009 but the year that has just begun promises to be a really exciting one for videogames and for those who, like us, play and love them. A lot of the titles that we were supposed to receive during late 2009, like Mass Effect 2, BioShock 2 or Mafia 2, were pushed back into the first half of the year and soon developers and publishers will be getting out press releases and statements related to the big titles we will get our hands on in the fall of 2010.