Aug 16, 2010 11:51 GMT  ·  By

Publisher Microsoft and developer Lionhead are offering a in game weapon for their upcoming action role playing game Fable III to all those who will pick up a novel set in the same universe, called Fable: The Balverine Order.

Video game and movies have a pretty close relation nowadays and a lot of major titles like Dead Space and Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty are experimenting with branching out into comic books.

And now novels seem to be even more integrated with the game world they inhabit, with Amazon listing a new Fable story, set to be released on October 5, that will come packed with a unique code allowing the buyer to access an exclusive weapon in Fable III.

The description of The Balverine Order reads, “The days of magic and adventure are fading away, giving way to the age of industry and science. As the aged last Hero sits upon the throne of Albion, two friends - the privileged Thomas and his loyal servant, John - set out for the East in search of a legendary beast: the vicious, rarely-seen balverine. But their desire for adventure may be their ultimate undoing - because their quarry has just found them...”

Fable: The Balverine Order is written by Peter David, who is well known as both a comic book writer and a novelist.

The new book costs 9.99 dollars on Amazon.

Fable III is developed by Lionhead, the studio headed by Peter Molyneux and will be launched on the Xbox 360 home console from Microsoft and the PC on October 26 of this year.

The game is set in the world of Albion and players will need to play the role of revolutionary in an increasingly industrialized world in the first half of the game, then moving on to actually ruling the land in the second half.