Gamers will have new Achievements to aim for

May 17, 2015 21:27 GMT  ·  By

The new Common Sense expansion for Europa Universalis IV is set to arrive on June 9, and one of the major features of the game being tweaked is the way the Authority system for the Holy Roman Empire will work.

In a new diary, the team at Paradox Development Studio explains that the feature was exploited and failed to take into account some game elements, including the way the HRE performed in the grand strategy title.

Ticking values are now being used for the Imperial Authority concept in Europa Universalis IV - Common Sense, with factors taken into account including: peace in the nation, number of members, territory that other powers are capturing, the presence of heretics and heathens, and the number of electors and free cities in the HRE.

Paradox states, "An Emperor who is doing a good job will see their Imperial Authority naturally grow without having to resort to methods such as annexing states when authority is at 0 only to release them again later, while an Emperor that allows outside powers and heretics to dominate the Empire will find themselves unable to pass reforms entirely."

The Imperial Integrity element linked to the HRE is also eliminated.

The changes seem designed to improve the experience of both players who are seeking to control the Holy Roman Empire and those who aim to limit its power.

Europa Universalis IV - Common Sense will also introduce new achievements

Gamers who get the new expansion will be able to try and reach a number of new goals that will result in the delivery of an Achievement.

The full list can be seen by clicking on the button at the end of this article.

Common Sense will also make a number of other changes to the Holy Roman Empire, and Paradox is also modifying other elements of the title, including religions, the war mechanics, and how provinces can be developed.

The tweaks announced sound very interesting and will introduce a lot of changes to the way Europa Universalis IV is approached by gamers, with a bigger focus on internal development and less power for wars.

Paradox is at the moment also working on an expansion for Crusader Kings II and on the launch of Hearts of Iron IV.

EU IV Achievements

Europa Universalis IV - Common Sense Images (8 Images)

Europa Universalis IV - Common Sense Imperial Authority
Europa Universalis IV - Common Sense ideasEuropa Universalis IV - Common Sense choices