BioShock 2 or Rebellion's AvP, pick your poison, I chose molecular acid

Feb 19, 2010 20:31 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: It's the week of BioShock 2 for me and I will continue to play the role of early Big Daddy this weekend, aiming to liberate all Little Sisters and then get as much ADAM from corpses as possible before I go to what I suppose to be the final section of the game. BioShock 2 is a welcome evolution when it comes to gameplay mechanics versus the original and the mini, last-stand moments that happen when you are getting ADAM are maybe the biggest draw to the title at the moment, at least for me.

Slaying Splicers with a nicely prepared killing ground is infinitely more satisfying than taking on Big Sisters, the supposed tough challenge in the game. Fully upgrading the drill and using it to repeatedly push through enemies can easily keep me occupied for the coming two days.

Florian Totu: While I made some progress with the first BioShock, I'm nowhere near completion, and not a step closer to the second one in any way. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat is proving to be far more entertaining than Rapture, and even if the game might have captured me for an hour, at most, in the past few days, all that's going to end. In fact, CoP will also be moved to the back of the pile, for Rebellion's Aliens vs Predator is out and driving me bonkers. There is nothing that I love more about this universe than playing as a Colonial Marine, and the title offers the exact, amazing atmosphere you hoped it would.

If you've played the demo and were left with an unimpressed look on your face, then you need to bin that thought and give the single-player campaign a shot. It's far better than the demo, in many ways, and Rebellion did a great job with the missions, as far as I can tell at the moment. I played only the first two missions of the Marine campaign, and I haven't spent this much time screaming at the computer in a long time. In fact, I like so much what I've seen so far from the game, that I'll be taking a few days off to properly enjoy it. A weekend isn't nearly enough to truly enjoy AvP, so it looks like it's time for me to go on a vacation.