“Twilight” star talks Bella Swan and fame

Oct 2, 2009 13:13 GMT  ·  By

Kristen Stewart is a gorgeous and talented actress, as all her fans can surely confirm. Kristen is also a part of the Twilight phenomenon and, as such, it’s her turn to promote the upcoming “New Moon,” out on November 20, in an interview. Interview Magazine is the publication that offers fans of the films a heart-to-heart talk with the actress, along with a stunning photospread by photographer Craig McDean.

Doing her best rebellious punk poses, Kristen is featured in the latest issue of Interview in several black-and-white and color shots that play precisely on this reluctance of hers to conforming to Hollywood’s unbending standards. It’s precisely for this that fans have come to love her and critics to sing her praises, since it shows that, before anything else, Kristen wants to be a good actress and not a star.

Not that she minds the level of exposure “Twilight” has brought her or anything, although there are times when she wishes she could have a conversation that would not start with a question about today’s hottest vampire series, as she says so herself in the interview. Still, she is grateful for the countless doors the franchise has opened to her because now, more than ever, she is able to pick and choose, which would have certainly not been possible had she not been cast as Bella Swan, the human who falls for the brooding vampire Edward.

Fame can be a burden at times, though. “There’s nothing you can do about it, to be honest. I don’t leave my hotel room – literally, I don’t. I don’t talk to anybody about my personal life, and maybe that perpetuates it, too. But it’s really important to own what you want to own and keep it to yourself. That said, the only way for me not to have somebody know where I went the night before is if I didn’t go out at all. So that’s what I’m trading. It depends what mood I’m in. Some nights, I think, ‘You know what? I don’t care. I’m just going to do what I want to do.’ Then the next day I think, ‘Ugh. Now everyone thinks I’m going out to get the attention.’ But it’s like, no, I actually, for a second, thought that maybe I could be like a normal person.” Kristen says for Interview.

With all this and regardless of the downsides, Kristen continues to be a pro when it comes to acting. Doing a certain part leaves no room for compromise, she says, and the same applies to Bella Swan in “The Twilight Saga.” “I do feel more of a pressurized strain [on the Twilight series] than what is typical for me. Usually, what drives you is your own personal responsibility to the script and the character and the people you are working with. But in this case, I have a responsibility not only to that but to everyone who has personal involvement in the books – and now that spans the world. It’s an insane concept.” Stewart explains.

For the full interview with Kristen Stewart, as well as for more dazzling shots, please refer to Interview magazine.

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Kristen Stewart in the latest issue of Interview magazine
Kristen Stewart in the latest issue of Interview magazineKristen Stewart in the latest issue of Interview magazine
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