Actress says she still can’t understand the media obsession with her own person

Aug 21, 2009 12:08 GMT  ·  By

Kristen Stewart doesn’t like to do interviews, they say, so whenever other “Twilight” stars speak, she keeps quietly to herself. However, when she does open her mouth to say something, people know they’re to expect a piece of her mind and nothing less: Stewart is brutally honest in everything she does and this is also one of the reasons why she’s so loved and appreciated.

This is also why the latest issue of Dazed and Confused magazine will most certainly be a hit, since it includes not only a beautiful photospread of one of the hottest actresses of the moment (often described by the media as “hot in an awkward, unwilling way”), but also an extensive interview. Among the many topics discussed, Kristen also sheds some light on what it feels like to have paparazzi camped outside her home, watching her every move, and how the “Twilight” fame has changed her life altogether.

“Yeah, but you can’t think about it [the paparazzi] too much because if you think about it too much it is this weird and dreamy fantasy land – you think – ‘what the hell absurd thing are we doing at 3 o’clock in the morning, with 300 people – pretending to be other people, what the [expletive]are we doing? Since Twilight. That’s the only reason they’re out there. They find out where I am from the Internet – from Twitter, man! Anyone who wants to know where I am at any given time just has to go on Twitter, it’s so ridiculous!” Kristen says of how it’s like to always be in the spotlight.

With all this, Stewart is happy with where she is now and she doesn’t have any immediate plans to leave acting – well, at least not until she’s done with the “Twilight” series, one might imagine. However, the star is certain that one day will come when she will want more than to just do her part in front of the camera and, when that happens, she will certainly know what to do, she reveals for Dazed and Confused.

“I know that will just naturally become other things, other than just acting in movies. I don’t know what the [expletive] I’m going to do. I write [stuff] or whatever. I am going to make my own movies with my friends, absolutely, and I might not only act in them. But really? I love this, I love what I do, I am definitely going to keep doing it if I feel this way about it. That could stop, but until then, I’m just going to just write, make movies, play music.” Kristen says for the magazine. Check out some of the photos that made the spread below, and see here for more from the interview.

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Kristen Stewart in the latest issue of Dazed and Confused magazine
Kristen Stewart in the latest issue of Dazed and Confused magazineKristen Stewart in the latest issue of Dazed and Confused magazine