Remember to spend time doing something that you like

Apr 21, 2009 20:01 GMT  ·  By

Because everything tends to move faster in today’s world, we’re constantly stressed and, it seems, no matter what we do to alleviate it, it always comes back to take a toll on our life. The solution out of this predicament would be, obviously, to try to take things slower, one step at a time, but, since it would be impossible to do so without falling behind, dedicating some time to ourselves on a daily basis may work just as well.

As the girls from AllWomenStalk point out, there are many things we could do to successfully fight stress, but the bottom line remains that we should indulge in whatever activity brings us pleasure as the ultimate stress reliever. However, if we can’t decide on a single method to relax and unwind after a long day at the office, below are some suggestions, courtesy of the same girls.

First off would be, of course, taking a long, relaxing bath. They say nothing beats getting home and drawing a nice, scented bath to unwind and, in most respects, they are absolutely right. Throw in the equation a good book, scented candles and plenty of bubbles and salts, and what we get is a guaranteed way to step out of the bathroom like a new person in under 30 minutes.

Relaxing and fighting stress can also be done at the gym, as unlikely as that may sound. Yoga, stretching, and even Pilates are ideal in this sense, because they do not focus on burning fat or building muscle mass, but rather on achieving inner balance. Stretching the muscles is also helpful because it eliminates the tension that accumulates throughout the day, and thus makes the pain go away, helping us feel better.

Speaking of feeling better, nothing does that as laughter does. As we noted before, laughter is the most convenient and, why not, fun ally we have against old age and feeling down. Spending time with friends we have not seen in a long while or simply doing something we truly like (playing with a pet, taking a walk in the park, going out for drinks with the girls we haven’t seen in months) are just some of the things that are guaranteed to bring a smile on our face.

To conclude, we must remember that stress can virtually turn our life into a nightmare, and we might not even be aware of it. As long as we save at least 30 minutes a day just for ourselves, there’s a high chance we will be able to successfully fight it off.