Using the Trinity Engine of course, the expansion will be free of charge for EVE Online subscribers in winter

Oct 17, 2007 09:03 GMT  ·  By

CCP developers of EVE Online have just confirmed an upcoming expansion of their MMO game entitled Trinity and featuring a next-generation graphics engine. But even though the expansion clearly enhances the visual experience of the game the great array of content additions is actually what every EVE Online gamer is waiting for. Of course, this expansion too will be free of charge to all EVE Online subscribers.

The use of this new graphics engine basically aims to fortify the MMO game's position in the video games' market even further, leveraging Shader Model 3.0 technology to enable rich dynamic range imaging, including bloom, shadows and enhanced geometric detail, while maintaining a high frame rate (on platforms that can handle it of course). Visual changes entail a bunch of remodeled and retextured ships, stations and stargates.

"CCP has been on a continuous quest to offer cutting-edge virtual world experiences to engage the most advanced users on the Internet," said Halldor Gudjonsson, chief technology officer of CCP. "With the launch of our next-generation graphics engine and gameplay improvements, we aim not only to enhance the in-world experience of our dedicated EVE players, but also to capture the interest of new gamers. While EVE Online has been arguably one of the most visually appealing MMOGs, the quality of the images enabled by our advanced graphics engine sets a precedent for visuals that blurs the line between a computer game and a movie."

Gameplay improvements and upgraded content among which advancements in combat tactics and battlefield management, additional capabilities that lend greater depth to the pilot experience and multiple new Tech II class ships are all just the tip of the iceberg for what the EVE Online: Trinity expansion includes:

New graphics engine:

- All spaceships, stargates and space stations in EVE Online have been remodeled; each object is comprised of several million polygons and multiple layers of high resolution textures

- Native Shader Model 3.0 engine

- Environmental effects, such as shadows and nebula-based lighting models, tie graphical assets into the different solar systems of EVE Online

- Ground-breaking visual fidelity, which blurs the lines between a game and a movie;

Combat advancements:

- Heat damage attenuation and repair while in space

- Better drone management capabilities

- Mid-flight bomb deployment capabilities along forward trajectories

- Attribute Reassignment Modifier (ARM) scripts to modify bonus attributes of sensor boosters, dampeners and tracking modules

- Eased transition from rookie to elite pilot with revamped New Player Experience

- Fleet integration and enhanced management of fleet operations with EVE Voice

Content additions for Player versus EVE (PVE) gameplay:

- Hundreds of new kill missions and a re-introduction of mining missions

- Multi-frequency probe for more versatile exploration

- Faction loyalty points store items

New Tech II ships:

- Black Ops battleships - For undetectable infiltration and covert operations in hostile territory

- Marauder battleships - Optimized for massive damage output to spearhead assaults in enemy territory

- Suppressor Heavy Interdictor cruisers - A more lethal interdictor whose warp-jamming suppression sphere moves with the ship

- Specter Electronic Attack ships - For quick propulsion lockdown and sensor suppression of enemy ships

Now remember: the expansion for EVE Online, Trinity will be available for free this winter for EVE Online subscribers. Stay tuned for possible updates on the expansion's features.